Shanty Tramp

Shanty Tramp is owned by Julia in England since 2001. She creates one of a kind custom portraits that are extremely detailed. These brooches are rather special and very unique. If you like portraits, you’ll love these brooches.

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What’s special about Shanty Tramp brooches?

Shanty Tramp brooches are absolutely stunning. She mostly does custom portraits for people of characters that she draws. Her brooches are all resin layered like Lillian Madison and Tangerine Menagerie. This means her pieces take more time and are harder to produce but it means her pieces can be extremely detailed and beautiful. Many of her pieces also have little vintage accessories from broken jewellery or vintage beads. You can find some photos of her brooches in this blogpost.

How much do these brooches cost?

I am unsure of Shanty Tramp prices as she is currently not doing any customs but I assume they must be high, about the same as Lillian Madison and Tangerine Menagerie as resin brooches are extremely time-consuming to make, so about $90 to $100 USD.

How fast do they sell out?

Shanty Tramp does one of a kind pieces which when she does releases a piece it goes very quickly.

Where is this brand based?

Shanty Tramp pieces are handmade in the UK.

Where can you buy these brooches?

Shanty Tramp pieces are available through her Facebook page.

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